REVIVE Your Relationship With Your Child

And IGNITE Your Life!

The Roadmap

to Reverse Parental Alienation Program is for you if you're ready to:

  • Courageously and proudly be present for your child

  • Rapidly learn proven strategies to reconnect with your alienated child

  • Grow your excitement and hope for reunification  

  • Implement the 6-step REVIVE formula that has helped countless parents reunite with their kids

  • Finally overcome the heartbreak of parental alienation

  • Have three months of accountability and support  

  • Get coaching and guidance on navigating even the most difficult alienation situations

  • Save precious time with our streamlined, focused approach

  • Have an expert in your corner every step of the way during the program

The Roadmap to Reverse Parental Alienation Program is our 3-month intensive where we help you become a magnet that attracts your child back into your life, even in severe alienation cases.

Our specialty is the proven

6-step REVIVE formula

that has reunited heartbroken moms and dads

with their kids.

that has reunited heartbroken moms and dads with their kids.

After reconnecting, we'll continue to support you in

rebuilding a strong, lasting bond.

The Roadmap

to Reverse Parental Alienation Program

IS a live coaching program.

Are you exhausted from being shut out of your child's life? 

Do you want to finally have a clear roadmap and support to reunite with your alienated child?

Tired of struggling alone and ready for an expert guide and supportive community to help you navigate this painful journey?

We want to empower you to REVIVE your relationship with your child. Reignite the bond that lights you up as a parent.  

As a leading expert in parental alienation with thousands of successful reunifications, I have the experience and perspective to help you.

I've seen strategies that work and don't work.

I've seen parents overcome years of alienation to reunite with their kids.

I've seen the power of the 6-step REVIVE formula to melt away even the most severe alienation.

This program doesn't tolerate nonsense.

It is laser-focused on applying proven strategies to your unique situation.

My team and I will personally guide you to REVIVE your relationship step-by-step. 👇



All the general co-parenting advice out there? It often falls short for alienation. Therapy, mediation, legal action... sometimes nothing seems to work.

So why are so many alienated parents still feeling hopeless?  Because every day they wake up to painful rejection. Because every attempt to connect is met with silence.

With our signature

6-step REVIVE formula, we teach you how to become an unstoppable magnet that draws your child back to you, melting away the alienation.

We know alienation is complex and without an expert guide who understands the nuances of your specific situation, generic advice isn't going to reunite you with your child.  

And that is the power behind a live coaching program like the ROADMAP TO REVERSE PARENTAL ALIENATION PROGRAM!

What others have said about my coaching...

Mom of young daughter

❌ BEFORE working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap:
I was struggling to see my daughter, court orders was being ignored and I was engaging in unsafe behavior. "I felt like an aunt, not a mom."

✅ AFTER working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap:
I now have 100% custody of my daughter and she is back to being a kid again! We now go on vacations with her friends. I realized that the way I messaged her changed how she treated me.

From no contact to overnights!

❌ BEFORE working with Ginger Gentile and the Reversing Alienation Roadmap: I was struggling to communicate with my ex & the kids refused to visit me for 8 months.

✅ AFTER working with Ginger Gentile and the Reversing Alienation Roadmap: I now see my kids regularly, even having overnights! Plus I get to play Fortnight video games remotely with them even if they are with their mom. Me and my ex are even able to have an amicable conversation!

Reunion Success Stories

There's MORE...

Dad of two teens

❌ BEFORE working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap: I was very close to my two sons but never had a court order to visit them. After a decade I decided to get a court order, but this triggered full-blown alienation.

✅ AFTER working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap: I reached out to Ginger and she taught me how to show up to these exchanges with love, how I showed up to court and to get the courts to recognize the alienation. An order to give me visiting rights was established! I now see my kids regularly!

Mom of 15 year old daughter, from alienated to 8 vacations in one year!

❌ BEFORE working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap: The dad made my daughter hate me and then took her away. My relationship with my daughter was a 1 out of 10. But I didn’t want to use the courts because I didn’t have the money.

✅ AFTER working with Ginger Gentile and the Roadmap:We worked on what my daughter needed from me as a mom. Not only did I got my daughter to come back for a visit; but since then we have gone on 8 vacations together! The relationship went from a 1 to a solid 7.



Ginger is a certified iPEC coach and expert in parental alienation dedicated to helping parents reunite with their children after high-conflict divorces.

As the Director of Erasing Family Documentary, she draws from her personal experience as a child of divorce to guide others.

Ginger has been recognized as an Architect of Change by Maria Shriver and has appeared on Red Table Talk, various podcasts, TV shows, and events. Through her work, she offers a

6-step REVIVE formula designed to help estranged parents reconnect with their children.

The Roadmap

to Reverse Parental Alienation Program

  • Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

    (Value: $4,000)

  • Weekly Challenges (Value: $1,000)

  • 12 Video Lessons on How to Reunite

    (Value: $4,000)

  • REVIVE Framework Cheatsheets (Included):

    (Value: $1,000)

  • Templates on What to Say & Text (Value: $1,000)

  • Private Community (on our platform–not on Facebook! - Priceless)

  • Emergency Resource Kit (Value: $1,000)

  • Financial Abundance Training

    (Value: $2,000)

  • 12 short guided meditations (Value: $499)

  • Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

    (Value: $4,000)

  • Weekly Challenges (Value: $1,000)

  • 12 Video Lessons on How to Reunite

    (Value: $4,000)

  • REVIVE Framework Cheatsheets (Included):

    (Value: $1,000)

  • Templates on What to Say & Text (Value: $1,000)

  • Private Community (on our platform–not on Facebook! - Priceless)

  • Emergency Resource Kit (Value: $1,000)

  • Financial Abundance Training

    (Value: $2,000)

  • 12 short guided meditations (Value: $499)

  • Chose from multiple Small VIP group sessions per week on Zoom, in an intimate group setting, with time to go over your case.

  • Kickoff Call with Ginger (Value: $1000)

  • 2 x 1:1 accountability session per month (6 total) with either Ginger or her team of coaches, all ex-alienated kids and parents personally trained by Ginger

  • Pay in full bonus:

    - a recorded guided meditation just for you!

    - PLUS a document review

  • Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

    (Value: $4,000)

  • Weekly Challenges (Value: $1,000)

  • 12 Video Lessons on How to Reunite

    (Value: $4,000)

  • REVIVE Framework Cheatsheets (Included):

    (Value: $1,000)

  • Templates on What to Say & Text (Value: $1,000)

  • Private Community (on our platform–not on Facebook! - Priceless)

  • Emergency Resource Kit (Value: $1,000)

  • Financial Abundance Training

    (Value: $2,000)

  • 12 short guided meditations (Value: $499)

  • Chose from multiple Small VIP group sessions per week on Zoom, in an intimate group setting, with time to go over your case.

  • Kickoff Call with Ginger (Value: $1000)

  • 8 private coaching sessions with Ginger

  • Email support from Ginger and team--email anytime, imagine asking her how to respond to a message or any urgent need

  • Bring other family members or your lawyer or psychologist onto calls

  • If appropriate, Ginger can reach out to your child

  • Pay in full bonus:

    - 2x15-minute “emergency calls” with Ginger

    - PLUS a document review

TOTAL VALUE: $24,800


**For All Pricing Plans

Live Group Masterclass

Using social media to reconnect — includes a review of your social media if you attend the class live and are willing for it to be recorded) (Value: $2,000)


© 2024 Reversing Parental Alienation is a subsidiary of Peaceful Victory Inc, Ginger Gentile Managing Director

This site is not a part of the Meta™️ website or Meta™️ Inc. Additionally, This site
is NOT endorsed by Meta™️ in any way. META™️ is a trademark of META™️, Inc.


© 2024 Reversing Parental Alienation is a subsidiary of

Peaceful Victory Inc, Ginger Gentile Managing Director

This site is not a part of the Meta™️ website or Meta™️ Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Meta™️ in any way. META™️ is a trademark of META™️, Inc.